
2024 SKIA NSW Championships

Published Fri 28 Jun 2024

Three members from South Coast Shotokan Karate attended the 2024 SKIA NSW State Championships this year with two as competitors and the third being Sensei David attending as a Referee for the first half of the day and then as Coach for his two students for the second half of the day. In total there were 94 competitors across 48 events.

Madelyne Bramble placed 8th in the Individual Kata 12 -17 yrs Female 5-1kyu event and won bronze in a very tough draw in the Individual Kumite 15-17 yrs Female 6kyu + event. This was a very pleasing result and one that Madelyne found a great learning experience as this was only her second time competing at the NSW State level and many of her competitors were higher in grade and age.

Harrison Wenban was also attending his second State Tournament placing 5th in the Individual Kumite 12-17 yrs Male 10-7 Kyu and winning silver in the Individual Kata 12-17 yrs Male 10-6 Kyu with a score of 21.7. While Harrison says the tournament was an excellent opportunity to compare his karate with students from other Dojos in NSW, he was very keen to have another go and hopes to improve on his previous performance.

Sensei David was happy to be able to assist with the Refereeing again but was also very keen to coach his students in their respective events as in the past, he has either been a competitor or a Referee. He was very proud of the efforts of his students saying that the aim was not to win trophies but improve their karate which they did. The trophies were just a bonus. He hopes more students from the club attend the SKIA NSW State Championships in 2025 as a way to improve their karate.

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