
Free training day and BBQ

Published Sat 23 Nov 2024

Two of SKIA's most senior Black Belts visited South Coast Shotokan recently for a free day of karate training and a BBQ lunch. A few other senior Black Belts also attended from Sydney and Canberra and the training was conducted by Sensei Hovik Keshishihan (7th Dan) and Sensei David Rush (5th Dan). The training provided was something very different from normal dojo training and included sports karate exercises and drills plus a kata no one had seen before and a session on kata applications.

 All the members that attended said they really enjoyed the day and were impressed by the training and calibre of the instructors that attended. The training was fun although exhausting by the end of the day. Sensei David was very happy that many of the local club members could attend and receive a great deal of value from the training and the Black Belts who all provided some tips, information and demonstration of correct karate techniques.


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